Each Person Has a Goal


When we begin our lives we don’t really have any goals, plans or anything really. It’s like we just exist for the sake of being, and we go on like this through the first stages of our lives. We gradually find things we like doing or which bring us some form of enjoyment, and that’s what ultimately steers our lives in some direction.

But still, it is all mostly imaginary, because at the bottom of everything there is just the human thought that it is worth doing. Is there a point to photography? Or sculpting? Or biking? Or playing video games? Some people will say no to some of these things, because they simply aren’t interested in it. I know that I’m not interested in sculpting, so I don’t want to do it, however for some other people sculpting will give a meaning to their lives.

Ultimately everything we do in our lives is just a something that we think is worth doing, it is something that comes from inside our minds and nowhere else. You can’t tell someone else what they should do in their lives, because that simply won’t work.

Directionless life

If you don’t have any direction in life, then that means you just haven’t imagined a single good enough reason for you to spend your time one way or another. The only way to find a goal is to try doing a lot of things and hope something “clicks”. If you don’t have any passions or goals, it means you just haven’t found the thing. Only you yourself can ever know what it is, once you find it - yourself.

Following others

Following others and sticking to others is fine, as long as this doesn’t mean you’re giving up your own goals in the process. Just think about it, if you don’t do what you should be doing to accomplish what you think is worthwhile, will you be proud of yourself in a couple of years? Or a decade? Of course, this doesn’t mean you should only ever think about just yourself. Spending time with others is good too :slight_smile:

Time is precious, in fact it is a single most precious thing in our possession. Each single possible moment and day in your life is unique. It’s like a set of unique moments which you can use up to accomplish things you think are worthwhile - or not. Sometimes you should stop and think whether the way you are spending your time is worthwhile.

Finishing thoughts

Ultimately how you spend your time will not be perfect, it’s fine to waste time, as long as it all makes you happy in the end. Just live your life first and foremost!