import queue
import numpy as np
def load() -> np.ndarray:
with open('../.input/day15') as f:
lines = list(map(str.strip, f.readlines()))
return np.array([int(num) for line in lines for num in line]).reshape((-1, len(lines)))
def manhattan(node, goal) -> int:
return abs(node[0] - goal[0]) + abs(node[1] - goal[1])
def neighbors(node, shape) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
return list(filter(
lambda t: 0 <= t[0] < shape[0] and 0 <= t[1] < shape[1],
[(node[0] + 1, node[1]), (node[0] - 1, node[1]), (node[0], node[1] + 1), (node[0], node[1] - 1)]
def a_star(
start: tuple[int, int],
goal: tuple[int, int],
grid: np.ndarray,
) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
frontier: queue.Queue[tuple[int, tuple[int, int]]] = queue.PriorityQueue()
parent: dict[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]] = {}
cost: dict[tuple[int, int], int] = {start: 0}
frontier.put((0, start))
while not frontier.empty():
current: tuple[int, int] = frontier.get()[1]
if current == goal:
for neighbor in neighbors(current, grid.shape):
new_cost: int = cost[current] + grid[neighbor[1]][neighbor[0]]
if neighbor not in cost or new_cost < cost[neighbor]:
cost[neighbor], parent[neighbor] = new_cost, current
new_cost + manhattan(neighbor, goal),
path: list[tuple[int, int]] = [goal]
while path[-1] != start:
return path[::-1]
def solve1() -> int:
grid = load()
path = a_star((0, 0), (len(grid[0]) - 1, len(grid) - 1), grid)
return sum(grid[y][x] for x, y in path[1:])
def solve2() -> int:
full_grid = np.tile((grid := load()), (5, 5))
s_x, s_y = grid.shape[0], grid.shape[1]
for i in range(5):
for j in range(5):
full_grid[i*s_y:i*s_y+s_y, j*s_x:j*s_x+s_x] += np.full_like(grid, i+j)
full_grid = full_grid % 10 + (full_grid >= 10).astype(int)
path = a_star((0, 0), (full_grid.shape[0] - 1, full_grid.shape[1] - 1), full_grid)
return sum(full_grid[y][x] for x, y in path[1:])
if __name__ == "__main__":